The state’s Regional Water Conservation Goals, established in 2019, are for Utah’s nine municipal and industrial (M&I) areas. M&I includes residential, commercial, institutional (for example, schools and parks) and industrial water use, but excludes agriculture, mining, and power generation as these are classified individually.
As recommended by the 2015 Legislative Audit, 2017 Follow-up Audit, Third-Party Review, and 2017 Recommended State Water Strategy, regional water conservation goals were developed to enhance water conservation efforts around the state. Region-specific goals support the unique characteristics and needs of Utah’s diverse climates and ecosystems.
Thanks to the efforts of many Utahns and their water providers, per capita water use has declined by at least 18%. We’ve made significant progress, but more must be done to accomplish these goals including policy and ordinance changes on state, local and municipal levels. Even with all the progress that has been made, balanced efforts both in water development and water conservation are still necessary to meet Utah’s long-term water needs. This is the first time conservation goals have been established on a regional level and they build on the previously established statewide goal of reducing per-capita use by 25% by 2025, (using the 2000 M&I water use report as a starting value).
View the press release
How did this project come about?
After the 2015 legislative audit recommended tailoring water conservation goals by region, the Division of Water Resources started gathering public input to formulate new goals. Over 1,650 people shared their opinions via a water conservation survey. Open houses were held in eight different regions across the state. Using this public input, a team consisting of water providers, members from the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, and Division of Water Resources staff worked with a third-party consultant to create region-specific M&I water conservation goals. Public comments were also incorporated. These goals will help guide the state’s water industry in planning future infrastructure, policies and programs consistent with Utah’s semiarid climate and growing demand for water.

Helpful Resources
Regional Water Conservation Goals Report
This project recommends goals and practices for M&I water conservation. The project does not recommend a comprehensive water strategy. Over 330 comments were received during the public comment period that ran August 26-September 25, 2019. The public comments can be found in Appendix J of the report.
Regional Water Conservation Dashboard
Use this interactive dashboard to explore Utah’s Regional Water Conservation Goals and M&I Water Use. * Please note: this dashboard is currently being updated.
2021 Water Resources Plan The division provides comprehensive water resources planning for the state. This plan is the result of years of data gathering, modeling and other collaborative efforts to identify when and where water will be needed throughout Utah.
2017 Recommended State Water Strategy
This report was compiled by Governor Herbert’s Water Strategy Advisory Team and facilitated by Envision Utah. This document represents the culmination of a collaborative four-year effort to lay the foundation for ideas and strategies to be considered as part of a 50-year water plan.
2015-M&I-Data (2020 Version)
This report is housed on the M&I Water Use page of the division’s Open Data website. It is the record of 2015 M&I water use and supply for each Community Water System throughout Utah. The data information presented in this report is the new baseline M&I water use for the above 2021 plan, conservation goals and future division reports and studies.
2014 M&I Water Conservation Plan
This report clarifies the state’s M&l water conservation goal and how progress is monitored, emphasizes water conservation’s role in meeting Utah’s future water needs and outlines Utah’s plan to ensure the state achieves its goals.
2009 Residential Water Use
This report contains survey results and analysis of residential water use for 17 Utah communities.
2005 Water Reuse in Utah
This document is part of a series of documents that make up the State Water Plan series and focuses on the opportunities for water reuse.