Bear River District
Box Elder, Cache & Rich Counties

Green River District
Daggett, Duchesne & Uintah Counties

Lower Colorado River District
Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Washington & Kane Counties

Upper Colorado River District
Carbon, Emery, Grand & San Juan Counties

Provo River District
Juab, Utah & Wasatch Counties

Salt Lake & Tooele Counties
Salt Lake & Tooele Counties

Sevier River District
Millard, Sanpete, Sevier,
Piute & Wayne Counties
Blaine Ipson
P: 435-864-3120
C: 435-864-8692
Email: blaine.ipson@ipsc.com
Delta | UT | 84624

Weber River District
Weber, Davis, Morgan & Summit Counties

Division Director
Todd Adams
O: 801-538-7272
Email: toddadams@utah.gov
Division of Water Resources
1594 West North Temple
SLC, UT 84114-6201
The Board of Water Resources is comprised of eight appointed individuals who represent Utah’s eight River Districts. The Utah Legislature grants the board specific powers and duties per state code. The Board meets about every 45 days to discuss and vote on project approval, committal of funds, and receive project updates.