If preparing your Water Conservation Plan seems a little daunting, we are here to help! Below are the most common questions and answers. We also have a general FAQ page with water-related information. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please contact us at 801-538-7230 or email waterwise@utah.gov.
Q. What is reliable supply?
A. Reliable supply is the supply that can be depended on for the next 5 years. It may not include every source or be the total water right. The reliable supply should be broken down into wells, surface water, springs and purchased water.
Q. When does my system have a Water Conservation Plan due?
A. Please see the Water Conservation Plans Due page.
Q. Where can I get information about Water Conservation Plans?
A. Call the Utah Division of Water Resources at 801-538-7230 or email waterwise@utah.gov.